A similarity matrix uses a matrix to show the similarities between two different pieces of data.The higher the score (the more similarities), the more closely together the points on the graph will fall.
A mental map is a map that a person recalls through mental though. They can be of specific objects, roads, abstract memories or any other possible form of image recall. I included this picture of Killarney, Ireland, because when I think about this area, this mental picture comes to my mind.
Bilateral graphs use both sides of a zero line to show the increase and decrease of data.This is used when the information being shown has both positive and negative numbers.
Standardized choropleth maps are used to show the distribution of certain information over a specific area.The above image shows the population per square mile by state.
Unclassified choropleth maps use shading instead of numbers to represent specific data about a geographical area.The above map shows the population of Canada under 14 years old.
A classed choropleth map uses shading or color intensity of the key to display certain information about a specific area. This map shows the percentage of population for each area of the United States.